National Bank East Coast Open & ATA Circuit Events
Moncton Tennis Club- Centennial Park (off of St. George Blvd.)
Riverview Tennis Club- 55 Biggs Drive (off of Coverdale Rd.)
Dieppe Tennis Club – rue Notre Dame (off of rue Champlain)
Tournament Cell/Text: 506-444-0885 (for emergencies only)
- All main draw matches (singles/doubles/mixed) in all divisions (except u9 & u10) are best 2 of 3 sets with 3rd sets being 10 point super tiebreakers. U9 & U10 will play best 2 of 3 short sets to 4 games with 3rd sets being 10 point super tiebreakers. Consolation matches for junior & open singles will be 8 game pro sets.
- Lunches will be provided on SATURDAY & SUNDAY at all 3 venues. No lunch will be available on Friday. Refreshments may be available throughout the weekend.
- The schedule for Friday and schedule for Saturday are both now posted below. Please check the schedule carefully to make sure you are at the right venue at the right time. Some players will play at different venues with only short breaks in between to travel, so please make sure you make note of these situations for yourself. And let me know if you discover any conflicts.
- 5 minute warm up and 15 minute default rules in effect. Please be on time and limit warm ups accordingly.
9:00 am
Luke Conlon vs. Nabeel Kahwash (u16B)
Thomas Wallace vs. Clarke Fullerton (u16B)
Enrique Riveroll vs. Michael Oxner (u16B)
Alexander Oxner vs. Noah Cameron-Howe (u16B)
Rachael Phelan vs. Lily Ramsay (u14G)
Isabella Baker vs. Cincy Chen (u14G)
Niki Karol vs. Maya Lal (u18G)
Emma McShane vs. Isobel Anderson (u18G)
10:15 am
Sachin Gupta vs. Matthew Bennett (u10B)
Finn McMorran vs. Jesse Larocque (u10B)
Zarah David vs. Paige Ramsay (u10G)
Esme Macgillivray vs. Cali Nadeau (u10G)
11:30 am
Kirtan Patel vs. Cade Nadeau (u14B)
Alexander Oxner vs. Rogan Betts (u14B)
John Oxner vs. Jacob Nobbe (u18B)
Jonathan Gaunce vs. Julian Oxner (u18B)
12:45 pm
Winner Phelan/Ramsay vs. Winner Baker/Chen (u14G)
Loser Phelan/Ramsay vs. Loser Baker/Chen (u14G)
Kirtan Patel vs. Mark Rainnie (u12B)
Anthony Shaw vs. Rogan Betts (u12B)
2:00 pm
Winner Conlon/Kahwash vs. Winner Wallace/Fullerton (u16B)
Winner Riveroll/Oxner vs. Winner Oxner/Cameron-Howe (u16B)
Niki Karol vs. Maya Lal (u16G)
Rachael Phelan vs. Cincy Chen (u16G)
Isabella Baker vs. Mia Bennett (u12G)
Zarah David vs. Lily Ramsay (u12G)
3:15 pm
U14 Boys Final
U14 Boys 3rd Place
U18 Boys Final
U18 Boys 3rd Place
4:30 pm
U16 Boys Final
U16 Boys 3rd Place
U12 Boys Final
U12 Boys 3rd Place
9:00 am
Phil Anderson vs. John Oxner (MOS)
Dan Jockel vs. Julian Oxner (MOS)
Michelle Zarei vs. Maryani Lesmana (LOS)
James Roper vs. Christian Lanteigne (M4.0S)
Jeff Crossman vs. Don Cameron (M4.0S)
10:15 am
Anderson/McDonough vs. Oxner/Addison (MOD)
Jockel/Lavoie vs. Winner (Power/Gaunce vs. Crossman/Drouin) (MOD)
11:30 am
Zarei/Zarei vs. Keaveney/Keaveney (MX)
McGavin/Chen vs. Lavoie/Lavoie (MX)
12:45 pm
Cameron-Howe/Lal vs. Beaulieu/Lesmana (LOD)
Anderson/McShane vs. Brown/Zarei (LOD)
1:00 pm
Men’s Open Singles Final
4.0 Men’s Singles Final
2:30 pm
Men’s Open Doubles Semi
Ladies Open Doubles Final
To Follow:
Open Mixed Doubles Final
9:00 am
Medhi Ben Ammar vs. Samuel Minor (40+MS)
Clinteast Mayers vs. Pavel Jocket (40+MS)
Sandy Mackie vs. Carol D’Entremont (50+LS)
Glenn Cleland vs. Jim Piggott (55+MS)
Peter Rockwell vs. Brian Arseneault (60+MS)
Slavko Negulic vs. Camille Vautour (65+MS)
10:15 am
Jeanette McGlone vs. Raymonde Breau (60+LS)
Colette Beaulieu vs. Tish Dunn (55+LS)
Dodds/Hughes vs. Fraser/Martin (55+LD)
MacIsaac/Richards vs. Richard/D’Entremont (50+MX)
Adams/MacIsaac vs. Caulfield/Caulfield (40+MD)
11:30 am
Glenn Cleland vs. Winner Ben Ammar/Minor (40+MS)
Drew Francis vs. Winner Mayers/Jockel (40+MS)
Cameron/Richards vs. Zucko/Zucko (40+MX)
Vautour/Breau vs. Negulic/Negulic (60+MX)
12:45 pm
Caulfield/Caulfield vs. Negulic/Vautour (60+MD)
Dodds/Hughes vs. McGlone/St.-Onge (55+LD)
2:00 pm
Piggott/MacKie vs. Winner (MacIsaac/Richards vs. Richard/D’Entremont) (50+MX)
Arseneault/Hughes vs. Winner (Vautour/Breau vs. Negulic/Negulic) (60+MX)
3:15 pm
40+ MS Final
Ben Ammar/Breau vs. Winner (Cameron/Richards vs. Zucko/Zucko) (40+MX)
Lesmana/Richards vs. Beaulieu/Dunn (40+LD)